Russia, Moscow region, Stupino, Russia
Published on the website and entered into force
February 27, 2024

1.1 In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation) in case of acceptance of the conditions set out below and making an acceptance, the person who makes an acceptance of this offer, becomes the Customer (in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation acceptance of the offer is equivalent to the conclusion of the contract on the terms set out in the offer.

1.1.1. WEBINAR is: video presentation of the training program (practical training, training course), with comments of the Contractor; broadcasting of the Contractor's speech in real time using special software. The Customer asks questions on the topic of the webinar using the chat webinar room or using other means of communication network Internet.

1.1.2. OFFER - this document, which is a public offer of the Contractor, addressed to any individual or legal entity, as well as individual entrepreneur, including persons who are non-residents of the Russian Federation, to conclude a contract on the terms contained in the offer, including all its annexes. The offer may be sent to the User, if necessary, for familiarization purposes by e-mail or provided for familiarization purposes by any other means.

1.1.3. feedback - information and consulting service in the form of oral consultation and / or answers to questions in the form of text, webinar with a certain subject through the means of communication network Internet.

1.1.4 ONLINE TRAINING (COURSE), ONLINE MEASUREMENT is a training program posted on the website and/or in the form of one or a series of lessons on a certain subject, carried out by means of remote communication (Internet) in the mode of videoconferences (webinars), video recordings, AVP, or in the form of materials provided in electronic form in accordance with the terms of this Offer.

1.1.5. SOFTWARE (Software) - a browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox, Google Chrome and similar) for access to information resources located on the Internet at, other programs for processing the information provided. The Customer undertakes to independently ensure the availability of operable software on his personal computer.

1.1.6. SITE - the aggregate of information, texts, graphic elements, design, images, photo and video materials and other results of intellectual activity, as well as computer programs belonging to the Contractor, contained in the information system, ensuring the availability of such information in the Internet at the network addresses and their subdomains:,

1.1.7. LMS (learning management system) or learning platform - a system for managing the transfer of information material and/or a system of distance learning, material transfer. It is a software application, platform, service for storage of information materials and administration of the process of rendering the Services, including storage of learning materials and administration of the learning process in the framework of distance learning.

1.1.8. TRAINING, PRACTICAL TRAINING - a form of active learning, the purpose of which is the transfer of knowledge, development of certain skills and abilities on the topic of the training program acquired by the Customer. In the process of training, conditions are created for the Customer to independently search for solutions to the issues arising in the course of training.

1.1.9. ACCOUNT VISITOR - a person who came to the Website page without the purpose of receiving a service.

1.1.10. USER - a person, a visitor of the Site, accepting the terms of this Offer and wishing to receive the service offered on the Site.

1.1.11. SERVICES - information and consulting services in the form of individual coaching sessions, provision of information products, participation in online seminars, online trainings, webinars, online conferences, providing access to WUA.

1.1.12. WORK" - result of intellectual activity of the Author (Contractor or other person) - protected results of intellectual activity created by the Author (including their parts and fragments of any duration), placed on the Website, as well as provided within the framework of Online Training.

1.1.13. EXECUTION - a performance of the Contractor or any other person recorded in any form by means of live conversation, conversation, text reading or by means of technical means.

1.1.14. AVP - an audiovisual work (within the meaning of Article 1263 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) consisting of a fixed series of interconnected images (with or without sound accompaniment) and intended for visual and auditory (in case of sound accompaniment) perception by means of appropriate technical devices (including a video clip, video recording of a performance, etc.). The WUA is all video content posted on the Website and provided to the Customer as part of the provision of services, including online training.

1.1.15. PICTURE - a photographic work or a work obtained by a method similar to photography; a work of fine art, any graphic designs.

1.1.16. RIGHT TO AVP - the right to use the Work, and/or AVP, and/or Image under a non-exclusive license in the ways specified below within the term and on the territory of the whole world, which means the right to use the Work (both in its complete version and its parts and/or fragments of any duration), both in its original and technically revised form (including in the form of Mobile Content) independently within the territory of the World and the term of provision of the corresponding Service purchased on the Website, as follows

1.1.17. TESTING TIME - a period of time provided for the Customer to get acquainted with the course program and training system. Access restrictions apply during the familiarization period. The payment is set unilaterally by the Contractor.

1.1.18. MARKETING ACTIONS (Promotions) - periodic stimulating marketing activities conducted by the Contractor for Users under the terms of this Offer.

1.1.19. PARTICIPANT of the promotion - any legal entity, individual entrepreneur or any legally capable individual, who, prior to payment for the Services, has familiarized himself with the terms and conditions of the promotion on the site, agreed to the terms of the promotion by filling in the appropriate registration form on the Executor's site at the specified address in the form of an application for participation in the promotion and made payment/prepayment according to the terms of the promotion, thereby making an acceptance.

1.1.20. ACCEPT - full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this offer, carried out in accordance with the terms of the offer. Acceptance is recognized as the Customer making prepayment or full payment of tuition fees in the manner provided for in this Offer.

1.1.21. TARIF - the cost of the relevant online training program (course), online event approved by the Contractor. Information about the program tariffs is available at

1.1.22. PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT USER- any information relating directly or indirectly to a certain or definable natural person (subject of personal data), namely:
- personal information that the Customer (Pupil) provides about himself/herself when verifying and accepting the Offer or in the process of receiving the Services, including the Customer's (Pupil's) personal data;
- other information about the Customer (Pupil), the collection and/or provision of which is determined and agreed upon with the Customer (Pupil) individually and subject to protection in accordance with the Federal Law "On Personal Data",
- data that are automatically transferred in the process of using the Services, including but not limited to IP, MAC, ICCID addresses, data or other unique data about the Customer's (Pupil's) equipment, telephone numbers, area codes, etc.

1.1.23. CUSTOMER - any capable natural person (citizen), any legal entity or individual entrepreneur who unconditionally accepts the terms and conditions of this Offer.

1.2 This Offer may use terms not defined in paragraph 1.1 of the Offer. In these cases, the interpretation of terms shall be made in accordance with the text and meaning of this Offer. If there is no unambiguous interpretation of a term in the text of this Offer, the interpretation of terms used on the site, as well as the customary business practice in the relevant area of activity and the provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation should be followed.


2.1 This public offer is an official offer of the Individual Entrepreneur Anna Sergeevna Vylegzhanina, TIN 504507471939, OGRNIP 309504516000011 (hereinafter - the "Contractor") to conclude the Contract on the terms and conditions set out below, addressed to an indefinite number of persons (hereinafter - the "Customer"). This document is a public offer in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
This public offer is not an official offer of the Individual Entrepreneur Anna Sergeevna Vylegzhanina to conclude the Contract for citizens of the state of Ukraine.
The Contractor has decided to suspend cooperation (provision of services) with citizens of the State of Ukraine due to the following circumstances:
- The State of Ukraine has imposed bans and restrictions on the Russian financial system since 2022;
- The National Bank of Ukraine has prohibited the receipt of bank transfers from Russia;
- The Russian Federation has approved the List of foreign states and territories committing hostile actions against the Russian Federation, Russian legal entities and individuals (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2022 N 430-r). According to the approved list, the state of Ukraine is a country unfriendly to the Russian Federation.
- In the Russian Federation, criminal liability is provided for cooperation with a foreign state, the activities of which are directed against the security of Russia
Based on the above, persons who are citizens of the state of Ukraine can not make an acceptance of this Public offer and become a party to legal relations with the Contractor in order to obtain the provision of services.

2.2 This Public Offer (offer) site and its subdomains, including but not limited to the subdomain

2.3 The person who has performed the acceptance of this public offer acquires all rights and obligations of the Customer provided by the Offer.

2.4 Acceptance of this public offer is the User's full or partial payment for information and consulting services in accordance with the terms of this public offer. In this case, the User fills in an application for the Contractor's services on the website,, which contains the data of the person who filled it in.
The application unambiguously identifies the person who submitted it as the Customer

2.5 Acceptance of this Offer means that the Customer to the extent necessary for him has familiarized himself with the terms of the Offer and the rules of the payment system (hereinafter - the System), the specifics of functioning of the System, services and the site where the training materials (WUA, Works) are placed, recognizes the unconditional suitability of the System, used services and the site to perform actions and achieve the goals that are the subject of this Offer.

2.6 By accepting this Offer, the Customer confirms that the Contractor's provision of services under this Agreement remotely using the software (hereinafter - Software) or in any other manner established by the Contractor, fully corresponds to the Customer's ability to use the services provided in this way.

2.7 The Customer confirms his consent to the terms and conditions set forth in this Offer in full by checking the box (checkbox) "I accept the terms and conditions of the Public Offer" and checking the box (checkbox) "I consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with the "Personal Data Processing Policy" when placing an order.

2.8 This Offer and its Acceptance in the order provided for in paragraph 2.4. from the moment of receipt of funds in payment for services rendered to the settlement account of the Contractor, form in the aggregate a contract of paid services, concluded on the terms of this Offer.

2.9 All information materials provided by the Executor to the Customer in the process of rendering the Services, as well as the Customer's works performed within the framework of the courses (online learning), are the result of the Executor's intellectual activity. Exclusive copyright, including related rights, belong fully and only to the Executor, and the Customer grants to the Executor the right to any use of his works, including the right to transfer these rights to third parties (customers of the Executor). No additional agreement between the Customer and the Contractor is required.

2.10. No rights to the Contractor's intellectual property are transferred to the Customer in any volume.

2.11. By accepting this Offer, the Customer gives (expresses) his consent to the Executor's use of his video feedback, results of audio, photo and video materials received by the Executor during the provision of Services and Events, as part of the course (training), without restrictions. Exclusive copyright, including related copyright, rights belong fully and only to the Executor, and the Customer grants the Executor a

3.1 The subject of this Agreement is the provision of information and consulting services to the Customer in the form of practical trainings (hereinafter referred to as the "Services", "Service") via the Internet, as well as the provision of video recordings of such events in any format or links to view them, on the terms of a non-exclusive license under Part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the "WUA").

3.2 The Customer shall pay for the Services, including the cost of remuneration for the use of the WUA, and the Contractor shall undertake to render such Services in accordance with the service selected by the Customer on the Website and provide the WUA on the terms and conditions stipulated in Section 5 of the Agreement.

3.3 The specific topics, program, cost of the Services to be purchased and the registration form are posted on the relevant page of the website for the sale of such Service,

3.4 The Services under this Agreement shall be rendered by the Contractor remotely via the Internet through the software , i.e. in the online training mode.

3.5 The services under the present Agreement are limited to provision of information to the Customer, formation of skills of its independent use, oral or written (by e-mail or with the use of other means of communication of the Internet network) consulting on the Customer's questions according to the purchased package of services.

3.6 The services are rendered by the Contractor on the basis of the License for educational activity № 78617 from 30.04.2021 (issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) indefinitely). The name of the courses, upon completion of which the Customer receives a state certificate of training from the Contractor. are available for familiarization in the Internet at the network addresses and their subdomains:,

3.7 General provisions on marketing campaigns:

3.7.1. The actions conducted by the Contractor are advertising stimulating in accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 13.03.2006 № 38-FZ "On Advertising", are not a public contest within the meaning provided by Chapter 57 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and are not a lottery in the sense provided by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 11.11.2003 № 138-FZ "On Lotteries".

3.7.2 Participation in the action of Users is voluntary. A person who meets the attributes of a participant of the action, decides to participate in the action and to accept (accept) the terms of this Offer independently and in his/her own interest.

3.7.3 All information about the rules and terms of the action, about the terms and procedure of registration for participation in the Executor's actions, about the banks-partners of the actions, about the terms are placed on the official website of the Executor. All information about the promotions is actual at the moment of the User's decision to participate in the promotion by accepting this Offer.

3.7.4 The Executor has the right to:
⮚ at any time at its own discretion to terminate and/or suspend the realization of the action, and the Executor is not obliged to publicize the reasons for termination or suspension of this or that action.
⮚ at any time at its own discretion, extend any promotion and/or make changes to the rules of its implementation contained on the official website of the Contractor.
Information on termination and/or suspension of the realization of the shares; extension and/or amendments to the rules and terms of holding the shares shall be brought to the Participants of the action by the Executor posting the relevant changes on its official website, at that the Customer shall independently monitor all the information on holding the shares on the Executor's website specified in this clause.

3.7.5 The Executor considers the User's applications, including in case of disputes related to the User's participation in promotions, as well as provides the User with information on the results of consideration of applications, including in writing at the User's request, within a period not exceeding 30 (Thirty) days from the date of receipt of such applications.

3.7.6. Promotions are held on the territory of the Russian Federation, users from all over the world can participate in the promotions. Individuals who have provided the Executor with a written statement of withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data do not participate in the actions.

3.7.7 The actions taken by the Participant of the action, aimed at participation in the action, organized by the Executor, are recognized as confirmation that the Participant of the action is familiarized and fully agrees with the terms of this Public offer, as well as the Participant of the action is familiarized and fully agrees with the information about the rules and terms of the selected action, about the terms and procedure of registration for participation in the selected action of the Executor, about the bank-partner of the action.

3.7.8 Users and Participants of the action are obliged to independently monitor changes and amendments to this offer and information about the rules and terms of the action, about the terms and procedure of registration for participation in the Executor's action, about the banks-partners of the action, about the terms are posted on the official website of the Executor at

3.7.9 Nothing in this Public offer shall be interpreted as coercion of the participants of the promotions to perform the actions specified as a condition for obtaining a marketing discount.

3.7.10. The Executor shall not be liable for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of its obligations to the Participants of the Promotions due to failures in telecommunication and energy networks, malicious programs, unfair actions of third parties.

3.7.11. The Executor is not responsible for failure to familiarize persons participating in the actions with the terms of this Public offer and information about the rules and terms of the selected action, about the terms and procedure of application for participation in the selected action of the Executor, about the partner banks of the actions.


4.1 Services under this Offer shall be rendered within the terms specified on the page (website) of sale of the relevant Service.

4.2 The Services under this Offer are considered to be rendered with proper quality and in due time, as well as accepted by the Customer, if within 3 (three) calendar days after the expiration of the term specified for the relevant service on the page of sale of the service on the Website, or from the moment of receiving access to the training materials (WUA) for the Services with self-study, the Customer has not stated a reasoned objection to the quality and scope of such services by sending an application via personal account or to the e-mail

4.3 The fact of rendering the services to the Customer, provided by this Offer, does not require confirmation by the Acceptance Certificate of services rendering, and is considered to be accomplished, according to the terms of the Offer. Signing of a separate document by the Parties is not required.

4.4 For online courses, which during their development, involve a phased acceptance of services and the compilation of interim Acceptance Acts of services rendered, the following rule applies: after the expiration of the term set for the relevant stage of the service (modules, etc.) Contractor and Customer sign an interim Acceptance Act of services rendered (Annex 1).

4.5 The Customer is obliged to sign the interim Acceptance Certificate of the rendered services formed on the training platform by performing conclusive actions using the click-wrap construction: by clicking on the "I agree" button. OR within 3 (three) working days, after the intermediate Acceptance Certificate of the rendered services became available for signing (the button "I agree, I accept the provided part of the services in full without any comments" became active), the Customer must provide written motivated objections to the quality and scope of the services rendered by the Contractor by sending an application via personal cabinet or to the e-mail The Contractor undertakes to consider the received objections within 3 (three) working days and inform the Customer about the decision made.

4.6. If within 3 (three) working days after the interim Acceptance Certificate of rendered services became available for signing (the button "I agree" became active) the Customer does not submit to the Contractor written motivated objections from acceptance of the Services rendered by the Contractor, the Services in the amount specified in the interim Acceptance Certificate of rendered services are considered accepted with mandatory reflection of this fact in accounting, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.7 In case of unreasonable evasion of the Customer from acceptance of the Services rendered under this Public Offer in the amount specified in the interim Acceptance Certificate of rendered services, the Customer is deprived of the right to refer to the defects of the rendered Services, which could, and should have been established under normal conditions of acceptance of the Services under this Public Offer. In this case, the Services in the amount specified in the interim Acceptance Certificate are considered to be accepted by the Customer.

4.8 Access to training materials of the main course and additional materials posted in the closed section of the site (WUA) shall be retained by the Customer for 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of completion of the training program, unless another term is specified on the site on the sales page of the relevant Service.

4.9 The time of online events in the form of webinars under this Offer shall be specified in Moscow time, unless otherwise specified on the page (website) of the sale of the relevant Service.

4.10. The Customer has the right to apply to the Contractor with a written request for postponement of the paid services under this Offer with the attachment of documents confirming the impossibility of receiving services in the relevant training stream: certificate of hospitalization, natural disasters, as well as other events that make it impossible for the Customer to receive the services provided by this Offer. In this case, the Customer loses the right of unilateral refusal to fulfill the terms of the Offer and the funds are not refundable

4.11.1 The Contractor has the right, but is not obliged to satisfy the specified appeal if the following conditions are present in the aggregate: the Customer appealed not later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days after the start date of the relevant flow of the training program; the documents submitted by the Customer confirm the impossibility to receive services in the relevant training program stream;

4.11.3. there is a real possibility to include the Customer in the next training program stream. In case of the Customer's application after the expiry of the term established by this clause, the Contractor has the right to satisfy the application provided that the Customer pays in full the cost of the new training program stream at the cost effective at the time of the decision to satisfy the relevant application of the Customer.


5.1 In case of full agreement with all terms and conditions of this Offer, the Customer fills in all mandatory fields of the order form on the page (website) of the Service sale, ensuring the accuracy of the information provided. The Contractor does not change and does not edit the registration information about the Customer without the consent of the latter and is not responsible for the content and reliability of the information provided by the Customer when placing an order.

5.2 As a confirmation of order acceptance, the Executor sends to the Customer a form for payment for the package of Services selected by the Customer, containing a unique identification number of the order for services.

5.3 The Executor shall provide the Services under this Offer in accordance with the services selected by the Customer.

5.4 For the relevant packages of Services involving provision of access to training materials (WUA), the Contractor shall, within 24 hours after receipt of payment from the Customer, send an informational letter confirming registration for the selected package of Services to the e-mail specified at the time of payment. Passwords for access to the closed section of the Website, where training materials and other instructions for obtaining the purchased Service are (will be) placed, are sent to the Customer 24 hours before the deadline specified on the page (website) of the corresponding Service sale. The Customer independently carries out registration in a closed section of the site, ensuring the confidentiality of access passwords received from the Contractor. In case the necessary access passwords were not provided within the established terms, the Customer undertakes to contact the Executor's support service by e-mail:, providing a copy of the payment receipt.

5.5 For the provision of online training services with access to the closed section of the Executor's website, where training materials are placed, the necessary instructions are provided by the Executor within 24 hours before the deadline specified on the page (website) of the corresponding Service sale.

5.5.1 Information about the time and place of webinars on the training program for the Customer's direct participation in them is provided by the Executor to the Customer's e-mail specified when paying for the Service. Such notification is sent by the Contractor on the day of the webinar no later than 1 hour before the appointed time, and can also be placed in a closed section of the site, where the training materials are located.

5.5.2 The schedule of webinars on the training program is determined on the page (website) of the sale of the relevant Service. In this case, the Contractor provides placement of the record of the webinars in the closed section of the site no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of the relevant webinar.

5.6 For the provision of services for online events in the form of a separate master class, information about the time and place of the event shall be provided to the Customer's e-mail specified when making payment (registration for the online event). Such letter shall be sent by the Executor immediately after receipt of payment from the Customer for the relevant Service, as well as on the day of the relevant online event no later than 1 hour before the appointed time.

5.7 For rendering services in the form of providing video recordings of online training materials (WUA) for independent study by the Customer, the access to their viewing shall be provided by the Executor within 24 hours after receipt of payment from the Customer by sending passwords for access to the closed section of the Executor's website, where the said materials are placed.

5.8. The fulfillment of obligations under this Offer is the following:

5.8.1. for the provision of the Service in the form of online training shall be considered the fact of conducting the relevant webinars on the program of such event in the time, number and program established on the site of sale of the Service, as well as providing access to the recordings of such webinars on the course program and other training materials (WUA) included in the purchased Service according to the terms of sale on the service purchased by the Customer. In accordance with Section 4 of this Public Offer, upon completion of the provision of the Service in the form of online training, the Contractor and the Customer shall sign an interim Acceptance Certificate of rendered services (Appendix No. 1).

5.8.2. for the provision of the Service in the form of a separate "online" master class is considered the fact of the relevant event within the time and in the order established on the site of sale of such Service, regardless of whether the Customer directly participated or not. In accordance with Section 4 of this Public Offer, upon completion of the provision of the Service in the form of a separate "online" master class, the Contractor and the Customer shall sign an interim Acceptance Certificate of rendered services (Appendix No. 1).

5.8.3. to provide access to video recordings of online training materials (OTP) for self-study by the Customer shall be deemed the fact of sending appropriate passwords to the closed section of the Website, where such materials are placed, to the Customer's e-mail specified at the time of payment. The fact of rendering to the Customer of the services provided by this clause does not require confirmation by an interim Acceptance Certificate of rendered Services, and is considered to be accomplished, according to the terms of this Offer. Signing of a separate document by the Parties is not required.

5.9 The Customer independently follows all updates and changes of information received from the Contractor under this Offer.

5.10. The term of the offline event is determined by the Executor taking into account its capabilities to hold such an event and the capabilities of the online course expert to participate in such an event.
The final date of the offline event shall be notified by the Contractor to the Customer (Student) at least 5 calendar days before the event by sending a notification via e-mail or messengers.
The Customer (Pupil) independently chooses the method of arrival to the offline event. The Contractor does not undertake any organizational measures for the delivery of the Customer (student) to the place of the offline event.
The fact of rendering the services provided by this clause to the Customer does not require confirmation by the Acceptance Certificate of the rendered Services, and is considered to be accomplished, according to the terms of this Offer. Signing of a separate document by the Parties is not required.


6.1 The Contractor hereby grants the Customer the right to use the WUA in the World. The WUAs shall be provided to the Customer on the terms of a non-exclusive license. The non-exclusive license shall be granted for the term of provision of the respective Service offered on the Website.

6.2 The right to use the WUA shall be deemed granted to the Customer from the initial date of acceptance of this Public Offer.

6.3 Remuneration to the Contractor for the use of the rights to the WUA is included in the cost of the Services in accordance with p. 3.2. of this Offer, no separate payment of remuneration is made.

6.4 The Contractor guarantees to the Customer:

6.4.1. granting the right under this Offer does not violate the rights of third parties.

6.4.2. The Contractor at the time of conclusion of this Offer is not bound by any agreement that may in any way interfere with the full or partial exercise by the Customer of all rights arising from the Offer.

6.4.3. conclusion of this Offer and performance of all obligations under it does not contradict any other obligations assumed by the Contractor, and he has no other legal basis on which he cannot accept this Offer and assume performance of obligations under it.

6.5 The Customer warrants to the Contractor:

6.5.1. to use the WUA only in the manner provided for by this public offer, i.e. - to view the WUA personally using a computer or other means solely for personal needs, an unlimited number of times during the period of rendering the Services, in accordance with the Service selected on the Website.

6.6 In case of any third parties' property claims related to the Customer's use of the WUA/Products on the terms of this Offer, the Contractor undertakes to resolve all claims independently and at its own expense, thereby relieving the Customer from possible losses, and in case of losses - to reimburse them in full.

6.7 In all other matters not provided for by this Offer with regard to the use of the rights to the WUA, the Customer and the Contractor shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.



7.1.1. to receive from the Contractor all necessary information related to the Service in the order and on the terms and conditions according to this Offer;

7.1.2. to demand proper fulfillment by the Contractor of its obligations under this Offer.

7.1.3. to apply to the Contractor with a written application for postponement of the terms of provision of paid services under this Offer in accordance with the rules set out in paragraph. 4.8. of this Offer.

7.1.4. to receive a refund of funds paid for the Services on the terms, in the manner and within the terms provided by this Offer.


7.2.1 Before the moment of conclusion (before the moment of acceptance) of this Offer to familiarize with its content and conditions, the cost of the Services specified on the Contractor's website and in this Offer, if necessary to clarify the cost from the Contractor;

7.2.2. timely and fully pay for the Services under this Offer;

7.2.3. to provide technical capabilities for receiving the Services provided remotely (access to the Internet, acceptable data transmission speed, etc.);

7.2.4. in case the necessary access passwords are not provided within the established terms, the Customer undertakes to contact St.-Petersburg Telecom Service Center.

7.2.4. in case the necessary access passwords were not provided within the established terms, the Customer undertakes to contact the Contractor's support service by e-mail:, providing a copy of the payment receipt;

7.2.5. adhere to the Rules, Instructions of the Executor and comply with the terms of this Offer;

7.2.6. independently follow all updates and changes of information received from the Contractor under this Offer;

7.2.7. to provide the Contractor with relevant and reliable information necessary to receive information and training materials, as well as for operational communication within the framework of rendering services under this Offer, namely: name and surname, valid mailbox, contact phone number;

7.2.8. to comply with the rules of conduct at training events and to show respect to the Contractor, other participants of the training program.

7.2.9. not to record, not to distribute (publish, post on Internet sites, copy, transfer or resell to third parties) for commercial or non-commercial purposes provided by the Contractor to the Customer information and materials under this Offer, to create on its basis information products for commercial profit, as well as to use this information in any other way, except for personal use;

7.2.10. not to use the information and materials received from the Contractor, including (without limitation) in order to create a similar and / or competitive product or service, or for commercial or financial gain, as well as not to organize or conduct their own training products on the basis of training (webinars, etc.) of the Contractor;

7.2.11. not to transfer to third parties and ensure the confidentiality of passwords access to personal account in the closed section of the site, access keys to materials and special software used to organize the Contractor's services under this Offer, as well as to ensure the confidentiality of links to view recordings of webinars received from the Contractor under this Offer.

7.2.12. not to change in any way the program part of the site from which the provision of Services, not to take any action aimed at changing the functioning and performance of the site.

7.2.13. not to place on the site personal data of third parties without their consent, including home addresses, telephone numbers, passport data, e-mail addresses.

7.2.14. not to place commercial advertising, commercial offers, propaganda information and any other intrusive information on the site, except in cases when the placement of such information is agreed with the Contractor.

7.2.15. not to distribute part or parts of the Website or WUA, Works, including, but not limited to, on one medium without prior written permission of the Executor.

7.2.16. not to change or modify any part of the Website.

7.2.17. not to access the Works, WUA through any technology or means other than the pages of the Website or other means that the Contractor may specifically provide.

7.2.18. not to perform (or attempt to perform) the following actions: bypass, disable or otherwise interfere with any security-related features (security measures) of the Site or features (security measures) that prevent or restrict the use or copying of any Work or WUA, or impose restrictions on the use of the Work or WUA.

7.2.19. not to use or run any automated system (including, without limitation, any robots, search engine spiders or autonomous readers) that accesses the Site in a manner that sends more requests to the Contractor's servers in a given period of time than a user is capable of making in the same period using a publicly available, standard (i.e., unmodified) web browser;

7.2.20. not to collect or extract any personal data about any user of the Website.

7.2.21. not to access the Works and/or WUAs for any purposes other than personal and non-commercial use, solely in accordance with the purposes permitted by the Offer, and solely for "Streaming", "Streaming" meaning streaming digital transmission of WUAs, Works via the Internet and to a device installed by the Internet user/Customer, involving their viewing in real time and not intended for downloading (permanent or temporary), copying, storing or further distribution, and not for downloading (permanent or temporary), copying, storing or further distribution.

7.2.22. It is prohibited to copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license or otherwise use any WUA/Production for any other purpose without obtaining the prior written consent of the Customer or the respective licensors of the WUA and/or the Production.

7.2.23. Comply with copyright, other exclusive and non-exclusive rights

7.2.23. Observe copyright, other exclusive and non-exclusive rights of the Contractor and third parties.


7.3.1. independently determine the cost of the Services and make changes to the training program, unilaterally change the schedule for posting training material, conducting feedback and other consultations without changing the established frequency of their conduct, as well as to change and supplement the content of lessons and tasks for the Customer;

7.3.2. update the content, functionality and user interface of the website and broadcasting program at its own discretion. The Contractor has the right to inform the Customer about the modifications made by posting the relevant information on the website and/or by letter to the e-mail address specified in the payment;

7.3.3. to carry out audio, photo and video recording of the training program during the provision of the Services;

7.3.4. to change the terms of this Offer unilaterally, without prior agreement with the Customer, ensuring the publication of the changed conditions on the site;

7.3.5. to require from the Customer to fulfill in good faith the obligations undertaken, respectful attitude to other recipients of the Contractor's services and to the Contractor personally;

7.3.6. unilaterally terminate this Offer in case of material breach by the Customer of the terms of this Offer. In this case, the Customer shall pay a fine in the amount of 100% of the cost of the course paid by the Customer when accepting this Offer. A material breach of the terms of this Agreement means any violation of copyright regulated by the current Russian copyright law. At the discretion of the Contractor, depending on the nature of the violation, any violation by the Customer of the rules established by this Offer, committed once and/or more than twice, may be recognized as material. To involve for rendering services in accordance with this Offer third parties, without agreement with the Customer;

7.3.7. to limit the Customer's access to the entire course in case of delay in the next installment payment by the Customer.


7.4.1. provide the package of Services and WUA selected and paid for by the Customer;

7.4.2. after receipt of payment from the Customer within 24 hours from the moment of receipt of such payment, provide the Customer with a confirmation of payment for the selected service;

7.4.3. not to disclose information about the Customer's personal data without the Customer's consent and to process them solely for the purpose of fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this Offer in accordance with the Personal Data Processing Policy approved by the Contractor;

7.4.4. if possible, to inform (warn) the Customer about additional conditions and upcoming changes in the order of rendering the Services (schedule, postponement of classes, etc.) by placing the relevant information in a closed section of the site and/or by letter to the Customer's e-mail address specified when paying for the Services.

8.1 The cost of the Services is determined by the Executor unilaterally and is indicated on the page (website) of the corresponding Service sale and can be changed by the Executor at any time without prior agreement with the Customer. The cost of the Services is set in rubles of the Russian Federation. The new cost comes into effect from the moment of publication and does not apply to the services paid by the time of publication.

8.2 Payment for the selected Service shall be made by the Customer by crediting funds by way of prepayment to the Executor's settlement account in the amount of 100% of the cost, unless otherwise specified on the page (website) of the sale of the relevant Service.
Payment of the tuition fee is possible in the following ways:
⮚ Payment of the tuition fee is possible by non-cash transfer to the Executor's settlement account through receipt by the Customer of the link/invoice for payment to the Customer's e-mail.
⮚ Payment of the tuition fee is possible by a partner bank or other bank or credit organization on the basis of the agreement concluded with the Customer:
- The Customer has the right to receive an installment plan for up to 12 months for the full amount of the contract from partner banks.
- The Customer has the right to obtain a loan for a period of 3 to 24 months for the full amount of the contract from partner banks.
⮚ The Contractor has the right to offer installment payments for its services, indicating the terms and amounts of payments sent through the student's personal account In case of delay in making the next installment payment, the Executor has the right to suspend access to the provided online training (course) until the next installment payment is made by the Customer. Making the first installment payment means the Customer's agreement (acceptance) with all the proposed installment terms.

8.3 Settlement between the Parties shall be made in Russian rubles in non-cash form by transferring funds to the current account of the Executor, specified in the invoice sent to the Customer according to his order, or in any other way convenient to the Customer from the possibilities provided by the Executor (by the ways specified by the Executor on the website of the Service sale).

8.4 The moment of payment is considered to be the receipt of funds to the Executor's settlement account.

8.5 The Customer has the right to refuse the Offer and apply for a refund of funds paid for the training course. In this case, the return of funds is carried out according to the rules established in Section 8 of this Offer

8.6 If the application for termination of this Offer (refusal to fulfill the terms of the Offer) and the return of funds received by the Contractor before the start of the course, the return is made in full minus the actual costs incurred, namely, commissions of banking, credit organizations and relevant payment systems for the transfer of funds.
Payment for the introductory period and payment for fixing the price (the amount of discount on the course price) are not subject to refund.

8.7 The refund is made after deduction of the actual costs of the Contractor at the time of receipt of the application from the Customer for refund. The actual costs of the Contractor include the expenses incurred at the time of receipt of the application for refund, in particular:

8.7.1. the cost of training materials and webinars conducted (provided) at the time of receipt of the application for refund;

8.7.2. expenses for the software used by the Contractor in the course of training or payment for services of third parties,

8.7.3. commissions of banking, credit organizations and relevant payment systems for the return of funds,

8.7.4. salaries of the Contractor's employees participating in the training program;

8.7.5. expenses for the software used by the Contractor in the course of training or payment for services of third parties, as well as the cost of bonus materials provided to the Customer;

8.7.6. expenses that may be incurred by the Executor in the process of fulfillment of the conditions of marketing campaigns.

8.8 The specific amount of actual costs for each case is determined by the Contractor according to the following formula:
Z = X1 - (Y * R2),
where Z - The amount of refund paid by the Customer for the selected service (calculated as of the date of receipt of the application by the Executor);
X1 - Cost of the Service actually paid by the Customer;
Y - Cost of training for one week (calculated without taking into account any discounts granted to the Customer at the time of payment for the Services).
Y = X/ R1, where X is the Online Course Fee and R1 is the number of open training weeks for the selected service;
R2 - the number of training weeks on the online course program, access to which is provided to the Customer by the Executor, at the time of receipt of the application for refund from the Customer, regardless of the actual completion (opening) of training by the Customer.
Moreover, the expression (Y * R2) cannot be less than 5000 rubles.
8.9 In the event that the Customer deliberately (without good reason) did not use the materials provided, did not participate without good reason, confirmed by documentation, on webinars organized by the Contractor, the funds paid for the selected service shall not be returned to the Customer, due to dishonest actions of the Customer or circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor.

8.10. Refund of funds paid under this Offer, before the start of the course of the Contractor, is made with the retention by the Contractor of a sum of money in the amount of 5 000 (Five thousand) rubles, which is the actual costs incurred by the Contractor to attract potential buyers of the Services.

8.11. All applications for refund are accepted only in writing in the established form "application for refund". The Contractor shall send the prescribed application form upon the Customer's written request for its provision, sent by the Customer via the Customer's personal account at
The Customer shall print out the refund application form received from the Contractor, fill it in by hand, sign it, scan and send the document via the student's personal profile in PDF or JPEG format.

8.12. Mandatory points of the application for a refund include
- the name of the addressee and the applicant's details;
- amount paid for the Services
- the reasons for refusing the Contractor's Services
- details for money transfer
- appendices
- date, signature and transcript.
If the Services were paid by a legal entity, the application must be signed by an authorized representative, and the application for refund must be accompanied by a copy of the document confirming his powers (order of appointment, copy of the power of attorney, etc.).
8.13. The application for refund must be accompanied by a copy of the applicant's identity document, a scanned copy of the payment document evidencing the payment in PDF or JPEG format.

8.14. In case of receipt of the application for refund of the paid amounts, the Contractor shall consider it taking into account the following rules:

8.14.1. if there are any claims to the scope and quality of the provided Services, the Executor considers the application for refund in the order of claims if there is written evidence that the corresponding service included in the purchased package of services was not rendered (rendered improperly) due to the fault of the Executor. In case of establishing the fact of non-provision of services (provision of services of inadequate quality) for the corresponding option of purchased services, the Executor shall make a refund minus the actual costs of the Executor, determined at the time of refund according to the rules of this Offer.

8.14.2. if the application for a refund is not due to any culpable actions on the part of the Contractor, it is subject to partial satisfaction: the refund is made minus the actual costs incurred by the Contractor associated with the performance of obligations under this Offer and to third parties involved in the organization and conduct of the training program, taking into account the provisions of paragraph 4.8 and paragraph 8.5 of this Offer.

8.15. The decision on refund is made by the Contractor within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of the relevant application of the Customer.

8.16. The Customer is recommended to use a bank card issued in his name. If it is necessary to make a refund of the paid money, the refund can be made only to the same details, by which the payment was received, and only on the basis of a written application of the person in whose name the bank card was issued, from which the payment for the Services was made.

8.17. If the Customer and the User are not the same person, the application for the refund can be submitted only by the Customer of the Services.

8.18. The funds shall be refunded to the Customer's account from which the payment was made within 10 (ten) calendar days after the decision on the refund has been made.
If the Services were paid by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, the Contractor shall pay the refund amount within 14 (fourteen) working days after the decision on the refund has been made.

8.19. If the Customer has paid for the Services at the expense of borrowed funds of the Partner Bank, the Executor shall refund to the Customer only the cost of the Services and shall not reimburse the interest and expenses incurred by the Customer in concluding the agreement with the Partner Bank.
The refund is not a reason for the Customer to terminate the loan agreement concluded with the Bank-Partner.

8.20. In case the Contractor has already finished rendering the Services, the refund to the Customer is not carried out.

8.21. Access to the materials placed in the Customer's personal cabinet on the online platform used by the Executor is terminated after the Executor agrees the Customer's application for refund.


9.1 The Parties shall be liable for breach of obligations provided by this Offer in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.2 The Contractor shall not be liable in case of:

9.2.1. improper provision of the Services, if improper performance was a result of unreliability, insufficiency or untimeliness of information provided by the Customer, as well as due to other violations (any other violation) of the terms of this Offer from the Customer's side;

9.2.2. non-compliance of the provided service with the Customer's expectations, for his subjective assessment, such non-compliance with expectations and/or negative subjective assessment shall not be grounds to consider the services rendered poorly or not in the agreed amount.

9.2.3. provision by the Customer of false, unreliable information, including unreliable and/or incomplete information about himself/herself during order placement or contact information (e-mail, phone number, etc.), as well as in case the Customer fails to provide new contact information (e-mail, phone number) in case of their change.

9.2.4. impossibility to render services to the Customer for reasons beyond the control of the Executor, namely: Internet, equipment or software malfunctions on the Customer's side, failures in the operation of email distribution services, including when the Executor's letters get into the "Spam" folder. In this case the services are considered to be rendered properly and are subject to payment in full.

9.3 No information, materials and / or consultations provided by the Contractor in the framework of rendering services under this Offer, can not be considered as a guarantee of achieving the result, as it depends entirely on the actions of the Customer, his personal qualities, quality and speed of mastering / implementation of knowledge and materials received from the Contractor. Decision-making on the basis of all information provided by the Contractor is in the exclusive competence of the Customer. The Customer assumes full responsibility and risks associated with the use of information and materials provided by the Contractor in the performance of its obligations under this Offer.

9.4 In case of non-receipt by the Customer of the purchased Services through no fault of the Executor or suspension of the Customer from participation in the training in connection with the violation by the latter of the terms of this Offer the funds paid by the Customer are not returned.

9.5 If the Customer (Pupil), for reasons beyond the control of the Executor, did not use the Services and did not notify the Executor of his desire to refuse the Services in the manner provided by this Offer, the Services are considered to be provided in the prescribed amount.

9.6 Provision of access to training on the educational platform during the period agreed in this Agreement is a proper fulfillment of this Agreement in full by the Contractor. The Customer's failure to use all the provided handouts shall not be the basis for reduction of the cost under this Offer.


10.1. The Parties shall be released from liability for partial or total failure to fulfill obligations under this Offer if such failure was due to the occurrence, effect and consequences of force majeure circumstances that arose after the acceptance of this Public Offer and to which the Parties refer: flood, fire, earthquake, explosion, storm, land subsidence, epidemics and other phenomena of nature, as well as war or hostilities, power outages, Internet outages and other circumstances that have arisen beyond the will of the Parties and which prevent the fulfillment of the terms of this Offer.

10.2 The Party shall notify the other Party of the force majeure no later than one day from the date of their occurrence or from the date when it became possible to carry out such notification, by notification by means of electronic or telephone communication.

10.3 After the termination (elimination) of force majeure, the Contractor may provide the Client with access to the electronic version of the training (mp3 or video recording) on the Internet or a link to download it, or postpone the training to another date. In this case, the Contractor will be considered to have fulfilled its obligations under this Offer in a proper manner.


11.1 The Site, from which the sale of the Contractor's Services or direct provision of such Services, contains the results of intellectual activity belonging to the Contractor, its affiliates and other related Parties, representatives, all other persons acting on behalf of the Contractor.

11.2 By using the Contractor's Website, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that all content of the Website(s) and the structure of its content are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights, and that said rights are valid and protected in all forms, in all media and in respect of all technologies, whether now existing or subsequently developed or created. No rights to any content of the Contractor's website, including, but not limited to, audiovisual works, text and graphic materials, computer programs, trademarks are transferred to the Customer as a result of using the website and entering into this Agreement.

11.3 When quoting the materials of the Contractor's website, the Customer undertakes to indicate a link to such website.

11.4 If the Customer violates the provisions of this Offer concerning the protection of the Contractor's copyrights, as well as if the Customer has placed (transferred) or facilitated the transfer of the entire WUA or its parts, as well as the results of intellectual activity of other authors, whose works are included in the Services, to the sites illegally offering copyright products without the consent of the authors or other right holders, the Customer shall be subject to a fine of 500,000 (Five hundred thousand) rubles, as well as compensation for all losses incurred, including lost profits.


12.1 Within the framework of the courses (online training), as well as within the framework of other marketing and competitive activities of the Contractor, the Customer creates a design project (a result of intellectual activity).

12.2 The Customer transfers to the Executor the exclusive rights to the design project, whereby the Customer transfers the design project to the Executor through the use of a personal account on the educational platform or e-mail and, by accepting this Offer, provides the Executor with the exclusive rights to the design project in full in accordance with the terms of the Offer.

12.3 Customer's Guarantees:
12.3.1 The Customer warrants that it has the exclusive rights to the design project transferred to the Contractor and the necessary legal capacity to transfer the exclusive rights to the design project in full.
12.3.2 The Customer guarantees that the design project is created by the Customer's personal creative labor, without involving third parties, without infringement of third party rights, illegal borrowing and plagiarism.
12.3.3 The Customer guarantees that he is the sole owner of the exclusive rights to the design project and will not transfer the exclusive rights to third parties.

12.4. All alienable exclusive rights to the design project as a whole, created by the Customer in the framework of the performance of the competition task or homework within the framework of training on the online course of the Executor, as well as to the components, elements of such design project belong to the Executor.

12.5 Confirmation of acceptance of the terms of this section of the Offer is recognized as the fact of giving the Customer's (right holder) Consent to the transfer of exclusive rights to the design project by checking the box (checkbox) "I consent to the transfer of exclusive rights to the design project".

12.6 The Client has the right to use the design project for demonstration to his potential clients as samples of his works, including by posting on his official website, with the obligatory mentioning of the Contractor's name as the right holder.

12.7 The Contractor at his own discretion may reproduce, distribute, publicize, process the design project, as well as use the design project in any way not contrary to the law, only under the condition of obligatory mentioning the name of the Client or his pseudonym.

12.8 The territory of the exclusive right alienated in favor of the Contractor is not limited (the whole world).

12.9. The term of validity of the complex of exclusive rights transferred by the Customer to the Contractor under the terms of this Offer is equal to the entire term of validity of these rights, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

12.10. The transfer of exclusive rights to the design project is gratuitous.

12.11. The design project is a set of documents that contains information about conceptual, coloristic features of artistic design of the future interior in a specifically designated room, building, construction, recommended items of furniture, lighting equipment, plumbing fixtures, finishing materials and interior decor elements, and may also include a set of working documentation and other documents and materials.
The composition of the design project may include:
✔️ Measurement plan
✔️ Collages, visualizations, sketches, sketches and other materials, visually demonstrating the artistic design of the future interior.
✔️ Plan of partitions to be erected with marking of window and door openings
✔️ Plan after remodeling
✔️ Furniture layout plan
✔️ Plan with furniture dimensions and description
✔️ Plan of lighting fixtures placement, binding of lighting outlets
✔️ Plan of switches with indication of switching on of groups of luminaires
✔️ Plan of electrical outlets with reference of dimensions
✔️ Ceiling plan with indication of type of used materials
✔️ Floor plan with indication of the type of floor coverings. ✔️ Floor plan with indication of the type of floor coverings,
✔️ Plan of finishing materials on walls
✔️ Sanitary equipment layout plan
✔️ Heating and ventilation system layout plan
✔️ Wall drawings for each room with markings.
✔️ Diagrams of custom furniture, built-in furniture
✔️ Various specifications
✔️ Other documents depending on the complexity and scope of work, as well as the wishes of the end customer.

12.12. Appendix No. 1 "Consent to the transfer of exclusive rights to the design project".

13.1 Acceptance of the new edition of this Offer is a revocation of the Offer.

13.2 The Contractor has the right to change and supplement this Offer at any time, without prior agreement with the Customer, in case of changes, the Contractor publishes information about it on the official website Changes shall come into force after 3 (three) calendar days from the date of publication of the Offer in a new edition. In case the Customer does not agree with the changes of the Offer, he has the right to refuse to execute the Offer in the new edition. If the Customer continues to use the services of the Contractor after the expiration of the specified period, he is considered to have accepted the Offer in the new edition. The Customer is obliged to independently monitor the changes of the Offer conditions on the Contractor's website.
13.3 The withdrawal of this Offer can be carried out by the Contractor at any time, but this is not a basis for refusal of the Contractor's obligations under already concluded Contracts (accepted earlier than the moment of withdrawal of the offer).


14.1 The Customer accepts the terms of this Offer voluntarily, whereby the Customer:

14.1.1. has fully familiarized himself with the terms of this Offer by ticking the appropriate checkbox ("ticks the box") at the time of placing an order;

14.1.2. fully understands the meaning and consequences of his actions in relation to the conclusion and execution of this Public offer.

14.1.3. guarantees to the Executor that he is not a citizen of Ukraine and does not use and will not use for payments a bank card issued by a credit organization of the state of Ukraine/settlement account to a credit organization of the state of Ukraine.

14.2 The Customer has all rights and powers necessary for conclusion and execution of this Offer.

14.3. The Customer gives his consent to the Executor for processing of personal data provided when purchasing Services under this Agreement according to the Policy of personal data processing approved by the Executor and placed on the Website, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law № 152-FZ "On Personal Data" dated July 27, 2006.

14.4 By accepting this Offer, the Customer agrees to use information about himself, his relationship with the Contractor, other data, data about his business and income, transferred to the Contractor in the execution of this Offer, publication of materials about the fact of receiving services from the Contractor by mass media - television, radio, Internet, print media, social networks, as well as the publication of these materials on the official website and social resources of the Contractor. By accepting this Offer, the Customer agrees to use the image of the Customer for the purposes of promoting the training program of the Contractor.

14.5 Specifying the Customer's e-mail address and/or phone number means giving permission to send letters and/or SMS-messages, including advertising. The Customer can unsubscribe from them at any time.

14.6 Any notifications under this Offer, including the Customer's requests concerning the provision of Services and the Contractor's responses to these requests, may be sent by one Party to the other Party through the personal account or by e-mail:

14.6.1. to the Customer's electronic mail (e-mail) address and/or telephone number, which were specified by the Customer when placing the order or in the message about their replacement, from the Executor's e-mail address, if the recipient is the Customer;

14.6.2. to the e-mail address of the Executor, from the e-mail address of the Customer specified by the Customer when placing the order or in the message about their replacement.

14.7 The terms of this Offer shall come into effect from the moment of acceptance by the Customer in accordance with the terms of this Offer and shall remain in force until the Parties fulfill their obligations in full.

14.8. For all matters not regulated by the terms of this Offer, the Parties shall be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation (law enforcement).

14.9. All disputes and disagreements between the Parties shall be resolved through negotiations.

14.10. In case of failure to settle disputes, disputes shall be resolved in court at the place in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14.11. Before submitting the dispute for resolution in court, it is obligatory to comply with the claim procedure. The claim shall be sent by the Customer to the Contractor by registered letter with a description of attachment by postal service. The term of response to the claim is 30 (Thirty) calendar days.

14.12. Recognition by the court of any provision of this Offer invalid or unenforceable does not entail invalidity of its other provisions.

14.13. If conflict of laws rules on determining the applicable law are not provided for by Russian law, the parties to the Offer and the authorities considering disputes arising out of this agreement undertake to apply the rules of international law that do not contradict the rules of Russian law.

IP Vylegzhanina Anna Sergeevna
Address: Stupino, Bakhareva str. 19, Moscow region.
OGRN 309504516000011
TIN 504507471939
р/с: 40802810000000700824
Beneficiary bank
Tinkoff Bank JSC
BIK 044525974
k/s: 30101810145250000974
Tel. Work +7(499) 490 7515

Revision one.